Project Info
Great crested newt survey, assessment, mitigation design and implementation.

Project Description
In mitigation for a proposed transport yard on the outskirts of Bridgwater, we designed and oversaw the construction of a new pond and several hibernacula on the site to provide great crested newt breeding and hibernation habitats. Other mitigation on the site includes an underpass under the site entrance for newts to safely cross from one side to the other. We also undertook a fingertip search for newts prior to clearing a section of hedge for the new access.
As part of an options appraisal for proposed improvements to the A30 between Honiton and the A303, we undertook eDNA survey of 14 ponds and confirmed presence of GCN at the eastern end of the road. We provided advice on mitigation design for the subsequent route options, including underpasses for newts.
We produced an Ecological Construction Method Statement and Ecological Management Plan and acted as Ecological Clerk of Works for development on a site in Fareham, Hampshire that contained a great crested newt breeding pond. The working methods included an Ecologist toolbox talk to contractors and a watching brief, exclusion of GCN from the working area, provision of GCN access through the site, protection of pond water quality, sensitive habitat management around the pond and creation of a GCN hibernaculum to provide ecological enhancement.
We are involved in a heathland restoration project in East Devon, where a breeding pond and hibernacula are proposed to benefit great crested newts. These are being built over the winter of 2018/19, and we look forward to monitoring their success.
We also provide training courses on great crested newt ecology and survey. See our training page for further information.
Our staff hold licences to undertake surveys for great crested newts, including Habitat Suitability Assessment, eDNA, bottle and funnel trap surveys, torching, netting and egg searches. We can undertake great crested newt surveys across the UK but work mainly in the Southwest, including Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, Wiltshire, Bristol and Gloucestershire.

About Us

Richard Green Ecology is an established independent consultancy based in Exeter. We are customer focussed and provide expert advice and services to achieve our clients’ objectives, whilst complying with planning policy and wildlife legislation.
We take a proportionate and innovative approach to provide cost-effective solutions, following best practice and British Standard BS 42020:2013 Biodiversity – Code of practice for planning and development.
- Full CIEEM members and bound by a professional code of conduct.
- Highly experienced, multi-disciplinary team of suitably qualified ecologists.
- Natural England & Natural Resources Wales licensed and fully insured.
- CSCS, Confined Space, Tree Climbing & Aerial Rescue, First Aid trained.