Deer Tracks

Winter Ecological Work – Planning Ahead

We are coming to the end of the survey season for a number of species, such as bats, reptiles and dormice. However, there are still ecological surveys that can be done in the winter and planning for these now, ensuring that survey seasons are not missed, could save you time and money.

The following surveys are best undertaken in the winter:

  • Inspections of trees for potential bat roost features (PRFs). This is because these features are easier to see when there are no leaves on the trees
  • Identification of badger setts can be done in the winter, as these may be easier to see within patches of bramble or dense woodland

The following surveys can only be undertaken in the winter:

  • Wintering bird survey
  • Bat hibernation survey

Other surveys that can be done at any time of year include:

  • Bat roost inspections
  • Extended phase 1 habitat surveys
  • Habitat suitability assessment of ponds for great crested newts
  • Dormouse nut searches

By undertaking surveys in the winter, any surveys required in the spring can be planned early, avoiding delays.

Our Ecological Survey Calendar provides further information or you can Contact Us to discuss your needs.


Deer Tracks