First Bat Low Impact Class Licence Site Registration Approved

We have had our first site registration under Richard Green’s Bat Low Impact Class Licence approved by Natural England in just seven days!

The BLICL offers a reduced application process (via a ‘site registration form’ rather than a standard application form, reasoned statement and method statement). This translates into ‘less paperwork’, time and savings to licence these ‘lower impact/risk’ bat cases.

BLICL registration permits the disturbance and capture of bats and/or damage/destruction of roost/s of no more than three low conservation significance roosts (i.e., feeding roosts, day, night and transitional/occasional roosts), affecting no more than three of the more common species of bats[1] present in small numbers. Registration under the BLICL is not available for a site where there is an existing bat licence in place, where a previous bat licence has been held, or for a site where any future bat licence application is planned (other than registration under the BLICL).

Only ecological consultants registered to use this licence may use it. The registered consultant must undertake a ‘toolbox’ talk/watching brief and all works must be undertaken using best practice methodology to ensure minimal risk to bats.

[1] Species include common and soprano pipistrelles, brown long-eared, whiskered, Brandt’s, Daubenton’s, and Natterer’s bats.