Are You Making the Most of Your Bat Survey Data?

Richard Green Ecology, in collaboration with Marquis and Lord, are running a training course on the analysis of bat data using the open source software R and RStudio®.

The course is for anyone who may find themselves needing to deal with and assess data and is specifically aimed at bat ecologists who generate large amounts of information from automatic detectors.

The course will provide a thorough introduction into the basic core of the R and RStudio® system and upon completion will enable participants to independently perform data manipulation, simple statistical analyses, visualisation and reporting of results.

The course will be held on Wednesday 4th March 2015 in West Hill. The cost will be £180 per person (£150 if booked before 9th January 2015) and will include light refreshments on the day.

It is in a convenient location for consultants based in the South West and we anticipate that there will be a lot of interest in this course.

The course numbers are restricted to 18 people and we are now taking bookings to secure places.  If you or any of your colleagues would like to attend, please contact us to arrange payment. Further information is provided here and on our Courses Page.